After the meeting at the Usuki city office, H. E. the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Japan was scheduled to participate as the guest of honor in the 50th Anniversary celebration of building the Peace Pagoda at Usuki temple. As invited, we escorted H.E. the Ambassador to the place where the event took place by 11.00 am. On that day, in addition to the guest of honor, there was a representative from the parliament of Japan and also the Mayor of Usuki city among those who took part in the event as the guest speakers.
In the beginning, there were some religious rituals. After that H.E. the Ambassador was invited to deliver his speech to the audience. First, he spoke about how Sri Lanka and Japan’s bond started with the spread of Buddhism all over the world 2000 years ago. Then he addressed how that religious bond was extended and strengthened into a political relationship after the second world war as a result of the foreign policy of Mr. J. R. Jayewardene, a former president of Sri Lanka. H.E. the Ambassador delivered his speech in English and it was simultaneously translated to the Audience by the Chairman of SLJFA.
Further, the other guest speakers also stressed how important it is to maintain a good relationship between the two states in the future during their speeches.
H.E. the Ambassador did not forget to speak with the audience even after the event concluded. Then the chief guest and all other VIPs were escorted to the main temple building for lunch.
Next H.E. the Ambassador had an unexpected visit to “Nakatsu” city even though there was no such event in the original schedule. The reason was undeniable. During the discussion with some participants in the event, Honorable Ambassador found out that some of the historical pieces of evidence of the relationship between the two countries still remained in Nakatsu City. And further, that information is very important for his research. Therefore he has eagerly waited to get this kind of opportunity to broaden his knowledge about such an important historical coincidence that took place in Oita prefecture.
To be cont.
「1862年に福沢諭吉がヨーロッパへ向かう途中でスリランカを訪れ、そして帰路にスリランカを訪れたことが慶應義塾大学で保管されている福沢諭吉自身の日記に記録されています。福沢諭吉が慶應義塾を創設した際、仏教を学びたい学生にはスリランカに留学することを勧め、1880年から日本人学生のスリランカへの仏教留学が始まりました。 その結果、1889年にスリランカから仏教徒が来日するようになりました。
スリランカと日本はさらに親しい関係を築くことになります。1940年代には痛ましい戦争の犠牲者となったにもかかわらず、スリランカは1951年のサンフランシスコ講和会議で、日本の新しい出発を国際社会に訴えました。 スリランカ代表だったJ・R・ジャヤワルダナは氏のスピーチの最後にお釈迦様の教えから重要な言葉を引用しています。
“人はただ愛によってのみ憎しみを越えられる 人は憎しみによっては憎しみを越えられない”
Special Thanks to:
Sri Lanka Embassy,Tokyo -スリランカ大使館-