
[Update: Article 1] Visit of H.E. the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Japan in Oita prefecture.


In Beppu — 「日本語 below」

20th Saturday, May 2023 His Excellency the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Japan Honorable Mr. Rodney M. Perera arrived at Oita international airport in the evening and was welcomed by the committee members of SLJFA (Sri Lanka Japan Fellowship Association) and escorted to the Dinner meeting with the advisors of SLJFA.

The meeting was successfully held at the Hotel Hajime (previously known as the Hotel New Matsumi). After the welcome at the hotel, H.E. the Ambassador addressed the meeting and he deeply spoke about strengthening the historic relationship between the two countries.

Next, the advisors and the members of our association were able to exchange ideas with H.E. the Ambassador, specifically regarding the new working visa system in Japan and how Sri Lankan Embassy can help Japanese companies for recruiting skilled labor from Sri Lanka.

Further, each advisor received a “Sri Lanka Japan Friendship coat pin” honoring their service to the Sri Lankan community living in Beppu. Finally, SLJFA presented a “Wind chime made by bamboo” which was “made in Beppu” as a symbolic gift to H.E. the Ambassador.


E. ロドニー・M・ペレーラ駐日スリランカ大使が(20日)別府を初めて訪問されました。



会食後大使より、日頃尽力して頂いているアドバイザーの方々にお礼としてジャパン・スリランカ フレンドシップ バッチを贈られました。

Special Thanks to Sri Lanka Embassy,Tokyo -スリランカ大使館-

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